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46 lyrical Responsorial Psalm arrangements uniquely assigned for the Sundays of Year C in their Lectionary texts. Varied styles from 8 composers, composed, arranged and performed by the artists of Songs In His Presence. Within each Sundays collection are many settings also suitable for other occasions and liturgical uses. Choral/Guitar book includes melody, lyrics, chord symbols and choral refrain harmonies, a good value and popular choice, excellent for cantors, choir members, improvising instrumentalists, and guitarists. Other editions are 2-CD Sets, Accompaniment, Vocal/Guitar, Choral Refrain, and Congregational Refrains. Obligato instrumental arrangements are available for a limited number of titles; list available.
Sunday Psalms from annual Feasts and Solemnities (Christmas, Palm Sunday, Easter, Divine Mercy, etc.) are found in the Feasts and Solemnities collection.